Friday, February 29, 2008

Diet: Day 5

Woke up yesterday and despite the drunken stupor that I was in the night before, I felt fine. No real hangover. Strange. There's a couple possibilities there. 1) The Finlandia vodka is so pure that it doesn't leave you with much of a hangover. 2) My new diet has already reduced the toxins in my system so much that hangovers are a thing of the past.

Maybe some of each? Anyone have any thoughts on that. To be clear, I drank plenty of alcohol. Enough that I should have felt terrible well into the following evening.

Supper last night was cabbage, onions and soy sauce fried up in a teflon pan. Meh. Can't say I was too thrilled about it. My second course was some sort of natural soup from a can. It was supposed to be Hoppin' John, and contained tomatoes and black eyed peas and jalapeno peppers. I can't remember the brand name, but it was mostly terrible. I also didn't feel right about eating the starchy beans, or anything from a can, no matter how "organic" it's supposed to be.

The diet has also caused one potential terrible problem. I'm not making this up. No bowel movements since Sunday. Today is Friday. I don't think there's any point in hopping on a scale right now, because all that I've eaten for the past five days has either been converted to energy, or is still inside the intestines. What's weirder is that the consumption of crazy amounts of alcohol usually results in the beer shits. No such luck. Turns out that alcohol does not solve all my problems. Who knew?

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