No. Please no.
People always warned me that after marriage, the wife will put on 30 pounds and be a lot more biatchy than the woman I was dating. So far, I've been lucky in both departments, but no one warned me about this. How does this happen?
What can I do to prevent this?
On SNL the actual line was, "Mom Jeans .. for when you stop being a woman and start being a Mom."
Also, it's called 'Saltpetre'
So friggin what?:) I wear whatever I want, no matter how shallow-minded fashion "experts" want to call them. Mostly it involves a gangster shirt and baggy guy's jeans, though I don't need to be ashamed, have a nice body and all. It just makes me sick that all of you spoiled people see fashion as a character extension. Just put clothes on that protect you well against cold, heat and rain, things you feel comfortable in. And I can assure you, high heels and short skirts aren't one of those.
When you so called "fashion experts" start paying for my jeans, thats when I will give a flying fig on whether you think I am in style or not. I have better things to do with my money that to throw out perfectly good clothes because the style changed.
I love the so-called "mom jeans" because they are comfortable the way they fit on your waist. I am large around the middle and wear long tops, and I look great. I don't like the jeans that fit below the waist because they are too uncomfortable and show the lumps and bumps. I wear classic styles and don't let anyone dictate fashion to me.
So what if I wear mom jeans. I'm a mom. Besides, I look at many young girls squeezed into clothes that don't fit their body just to be in style? No thanks.
The only reason anyone looks at your but in mom jeans is because theyre laughing at it. "Fashion experts??" Im a 21 year old male, the farthest thing from an expert, and ive known since I was 10 that these kinds of jeans were "out of style." Have some self respect ladies.
OMG...please ladies, hit the gym and stop eating so much...we are trying to love you for ever...help us out
The nice thing about being a mom and having disposable income is that we don't have to worry about wha 21 year old males think about our fashion choices.
Remember Fried Green Tomatoes? The young chickies edged the older woman out of a parking space and told her they were "Younger and faster". At that time she proceeded to bash their cute little car with her larger, sturdier one. She told them "Older and more insurance". They just stood there with their mouths hanging open looking at the mess of their cute little car. So you see, we don't care about your opinions, we are confident in ourselves.
Yeah, trying to brainwash us into thinking being a mom is a bad thing. Must have been some barren woman who can't have children who thought this one up. And for the comment that says its called "saltpetre", well.....any woman is saltpetre for him, because the women in that photo don't look bad at all! And, I like what's in the jeans.
Recent studies have shown that if a person does not get enough sleep they put on weight and have a harder time losing weight. So if you don't want your wife to pork out after having kids, then make sure you let her get enough sleep. So you should take care of the nighttime feedings and let her get her 8 hours.
Oh my goodness, I had no idea I was wearing mom jeans. When did they go out of style? I just thought they were grown up jeans. I'm small and wear a size 4 "mom jean". What am I suppose to be wearing?
Mom jean look horrible on everyone. If you are fat and they are more comfortable than lose weight. Honestly it isn't hard. Eating foods out of box will make you fat. All the chemicals and preservatives that are in the "convenience" is what is making people fat. Put down the soda and drink water. It's free and the best thing for you. I have a daughter and I know All about post-pregnancy body. I also know breastfeeding is good for you and the baby. Plus it helps keep the weight off. Moving helps too. I hate the typical mom "I have kids so my life over and I have no self worth." Get over it. Your kids are not the rulers of the universe no matter how wonderful they are.
"I hate the typical mom "I have kids so my life over and I have no self worth." Get over it. Your kids are not the rulers of the universe no matter how wonderful they are."
Then my suggestion to you is don't EVER become a parent! Just as you claim kids are not the rulers of the universe, neither are smart mouthed twenty somethings who think they know everything. You, too, will be older some day and I'll just accept your apology now, for when your mature, you WILL realize how rude, crass and WRONG you were and be embarrassed.
What is great about being and adult is that you no longer dress for others, and certainly not for a bunch of self-centered, shallow strangers. When I was twenty, I dressed and thought as a twenty year old. And I am wise enough not to try and dress and act like a twenty year old nor a thirty year old since those days are gone. And guess what, I'm now perceived as who I am and not who I wear.
Sounds like something a pretty girly man would say.
"OMG...please ladies, hit the gym..."
But you know ladies they may know something; they probably watched sex and the city over 10 times.
I don't get it. None of the women in that picture are overweight, and if any one of them was seen in sexy low cut jeans they'd be accused of dressing too young. It seems that, unless you're an middle aged man with a beer gut who is convinced that he just gets hotter every year, aging in this society is a no win situation.
Mom jeans, theworst thing in the world for short women, they make your waist look so short!
You do not need tons of money to dress well for your shape and size, you just need to use a bit of sense on how and where to shop.
Mom jeans do not look good on anyone, I am a mom but I refuse to look frumpy.
I am sorry, but I think these jeans are absolutely disgusting. You do not have to spend a lot of money for jeans that look "normal." Do you really see that many people wearing jeans like that? No, because they are disgusting. I agree with the person that said they knew these jeans were out of style when they were like 10 years old. I am a mom and so are many of my friends. I do not know any of them that wear jeans like that, but I do know that all of them except two stay at home with their children meaning not a lot of money for clothes. So, in conclusion, these jeans are disgusting and there is no excuse why they should be worn.
20+ years ago when i was in college, they weren't called "mom jeans", they were just 'jeans' b/c all jeans looked like this. i hated them then and i hate them now. who wants an extra 4 inches of denim cutting you in half.
thank goodness for lower rise jeans.
I can't stand these jeans either. 1st - Yes, they are ugly. 2nd - No, they are not comfortable. 3rd -I find totally cute low rise jeans for everyday affordable prices at Kohl's, Penney's, etc... No boutique shopping for me. 4th - I am a 39yo mother of 4 who just happens to care about how she looks. I don't have the bod I had at 18, but I get keep within a normal BMI and try to dress affordably fashionable. Age and motherhood are no excuse, for "letting yourself go".
If no one cares about these "opinions", why is everyone taking the time to respond so defensively? I wouldn't wear the "MOM jeans"" YUK, but to each her own. In 10,15,20 years I'll still wear what is fashionable and what works for my figure at the time. You only look bad in low rise jeans if you wear them too small or try to wear the belly shirts when you're out of shape. Unless you're sporting "Backyardigans" underpants, why should it matter how young you dress as long as you look appropriate for the situation?
Okay so if there is "Mom" jeans what about "Grandmom" jeans. I am 70 years old and still like to wear jeans - what is appropriate? No jeans? High waist jeans? Low waist jeans? Or no jeans, just grannnie clothes like matching flowered jersey shirts and pants? Personally I still love my jeans and Reefs. So get over it.
Just because you are a mom does not mean you have that front tummy to fit into those "mom" jeans! I'm a mom and have never had that extra pooch in the front to fit into those jeans, because I started working out right after my child was born and did not allow myself to gain that area. Those jeans a gross and make you look worse, they cut you in half and make the pooch more noticable. Your life and body is not over and gone when you have a child, you just have to work harder! And look in the mirror before you leave the house!
Many of your comments are a reflection of the shallow mindedness that we see every day on television. It's really no one else's business what we wear or how we look in it. You don't know a person's situation or why they make the choices they do. And for those of you who are so judgmental on the Moms who "let themselves go" perhaps you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Many of these Moms are the ones who work full time, do many of the chores around the house and then run their kid(s) and sometimes half the neighbourhood around to their activities. They make a choice to put others ahead of themselves - if that bothers you, then too bad. When the kids of these special ladies (and the friends that they've carted around)grow up, they won't remember that she wore "Mom jeans", only that she took time from her life to take them where they needed to go and help them along their way - and that's worth more than any of your opinions!
I don't care about fashion AT ALL but I find mom jeans very unattractive. I will never, ever let my lady wear mom jeans. Just buy normal jeans, it can't be that difficult.
It is funny how some of you claim that you only care about function and not fashion. Really? Well why do you color your hair, wear makeup, and so thoughtfully choose your outfit? If you wear mom jeans you are undoing all of that.
Mom jeans don't look too bad if you have a flat stomach. If you have a bit of pooch it makes it ten times more noticable. Better off wearing slightly lower cut jeans and a more flattering top.
>>I am large around the middle and wear long tops, and I look great.
I doubt it. I have no problem with the women who wear them because of cost, or comfort, or just plain don't give a shit. But you don't look good. Period.
I find this page very interesting. I'm a mom and for the longest time I too said "I've earned the right to be judged for who I am, not what I wear." Well, honestly, it isnt true. That is just an excuse for not making the effort to look and be the best that you can be. Using the fact that you are a mom is just an excuse. I decided that I was going to look good, when back to the gym, lost 20 pounds and tossed all my mom clothing. I dress well, look fantastic and do sometimes pay $100 for a fantastic pair of jeans. I may dress "too young" for my age (36) but it feels so good to be noticed by my husband and other men. My son loves that his mom is "pretty" and I'm even proud that recently a nice young, but typical, teenage boy declared me a MILF! HAHAHAHA. Make the effort ladies. I promise you it is worth it. For your self confidence alone.
You all are full of it!wear what you want. Mom jeans grand ma jeans, boy jeans girljeans fatjean low jeans .What fill good wear it /There more important things,I have to worry about. You sound silly to me!
MOM JEANS MUST GO!!! I love all the comments on here from women defending mom jeans, saying they're "comfortable" and "I'm a Mom" aka "since I've had a child I don't care about myself physically anymore". Good God. I'm a husband and my metallica t shirt and boxers are comfortable, but I sure as hell ain't going to leave the house dressed that way.
Women stop caring about their appearance, put on mom jeans, and then they wonder why their husbands start banging their secretaries. C'mon ladies! Being a mom doesn't mean you give up on your health or fashion! There are PLENTY of alternatives to mom jeans and the whole frumpy mom look demonstrated so perfectly in that snl skit. I lived in Spain for two years and you never, ever saw mature mom's dressing so horribly. Yet women do it here all the time. My own mother, bless her heart, is one of them. Wake up moms. No one's telling you you have to dress like 20 year old skanks (less you look like pathetic cougars), but you can be fashionable and attractive regardless of age or the number of kids you have.
The term "Muffin Top" comes from moms or even any female that chooses to wear low rise jeans. If you have excess weight on your hips you need to stay away from low riders!! Mom Jeans are what lots of women SHOULD be wearing, then there would be no more muffin tops... I would rather see well fitting MOM JEANS instead of someone with FAT hanging over the edges of their jeans! Look at the rear view of yourself before leaving home the next time you put on your jeans Ladies,Please.
I love mom jeans because of the way my dick bulges out of them in the groin area, and my muffin top is a nice addition, my other half, frank, likes the way his camel toe sticks out
I think it is sad when we let a comedy show dictate what is appropiate dress or fashion. Everyday I see young boys and grown men walking around with their pants hanging off their butt; women and girls exposing any body part that fashion allows (fat included)and we are concerned about jean with a high waist and tapered legs because of a skit on a comedy show. Who comes up with this stuff?
i am a 32 year old mother of three i have had some crises and injuries that have left me disabled and dis figured below the waist i only weigh 115lbs and i wear the MOM jeans because those fashion experts only know how to design clothes for young girls and annorexic women not average or typical bodies and average or typical bodies have no business squeezing into said jeans yes if i had that body i might wear those jeans but i dont and im not its personality NOT fashionality that counts hey ladies i say MIND over MATTER Idont Mind cause your opinion doesnt Matter to the people who cant leave well enough alone!
Style is in the eye of the beholder.
Todays jeans are unflattering for anyone of any age.
The low rise is ridiculous looking (except if the observer is horney). But then if she turns around you see pockets on their thighs or large pockets the size of her buttocks. Either is very unflattering looking.
"Mom Jeans" are gross! My wife would never wear those--I remember my own mother wearing those in the 80s--Chic/Jordache jeans.
This is hilarious...
Like the parody said, "When you stop being a woman, and start being a Mom."
Yeah, Mom Jeans are great for when you completely give up on trying to be attractive, or god forbid, sexy.
Of course Mom Jeans are comfortable. So are huge baggy sweatpants. That's the point.
For Christsakes, take some pride in your appearance. How do you expect your poor husbands to want to F you when you are dressed like a fat, frumpy, old lady?
Lay off the Krispy Kremes, lose some weight, get some sexxxy panties, and hot stylish jeans.
Live a little. Have some fun. Most of you sound like food has replaced sex as the prime source of pleasure in your lives.
it is funny to see all these comments made by various people especially the young ones because you can always tell who they are and then even the older ones because they get defensive because the things that are being said may be true to a point but what really matters (and this is coming from a 30 year old man mind you)is what is on the inside who cares what kind of jeans you are wearing or what lable/name is on them everyone is going to be and do and wear as they wish but the person makes the person not the clothes so please remember ladies that you are all beautiful in your own way the mind and heart of a woman is far more beautiful that a pair a flippin jeans.
I wore the jeans with a low waist (called hip huggers)30 years ago. Then the styles changed and the jeans had high waists and were boot cut (think Madonna.) Now I wear what I like. SO GET OVER IT! The fashions change... that's how they sell clothes!
is this REALLY all you have to blog about? 'mom jeans'? that's the driving issue for you? are your lives that boring and shallow? what about our country turning into a socialist nation? what about our freedoms being subverted? seems there's a lot more to be worried about than the waist of jeans and looking/not looking frumpy. life isn't about looks, it's about others.
For those that asked, no I have nothing better to blog about than Mom jeans.
OR, the newest trend, jeggings.
Excuse me while I go try on my old pair of jorts.
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